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RaceGame - Class in gameplay.minigames.racegame
RaceGame() - Constructor for class gameplay.minigames.racegame.RaceGame
racegame - Static variable in class projekt2040.Var
reset() - Method in class gameplay.maingame.MainGame
resets maingame
reset(boolean) - Method in class gameplay.minigames.jumpnrun.JumpnRun
reset the minigame
reset() - Method in class gameplay.minigames.labyrinth.Labyrinth
reset the minigame
reset(boolean) - Method in class gameplay.minigames.racegame.RaceGame
reset the minigame
resetFullGame() - Static method in class util.Manage
Reset the full Game
resetJumpAnimation() - Method in class gameplay.character.jumpcharacter.CharacterJumpMovement
resets the jump animation
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